Alaska Emperor Goose Hunt Prices 2023-24
Emperor Goose hunts Sept 16-dec 16 2023/24
3D hunts Cast N blast fully guided Emperor-Brant $1995pp
5D hunts fully guided Emperor/Brant/Harlequin $2995pp
7d/7n Sat-Sat fully guided Trophy Seaduck combo/Brant/Emperor Goose/Harlequin $5600pp

Sophias trophy Emperor Goose.
7d-7n Sat-Sat TrophySea duck hunt – $5600 = all inclusive meals, lodging, guided hunting for upto 16 species including Emperor Goose, Harlequin, Oldsquaw,WW and Common scoter, Ptarmigan, Redbreasted & Common mergansers, Pintails, Pacific Brant, Pacific Eider, Common Goldeneye, greater scaup, Mallards, Bufflehead, Aleutian Teal.

Clints Emperor Goose
Fly to Anchorage Alaska 1 day prior to your hunt spend the night over at the millennium Hotel , After a good nights sleep and breakfast catch the 5 minute airport shuttle to Penn Air or Alaska Air depending on your destination. All hunters must arrive to the start of there hunt with all Alaska small game hunting licenses, Alaska State and federal duck stamps along with any Emperor goose permit that was issued to them. complete airfare from the lower 48 to Anchorage averages $500-750 rd trip pp and from Anchorage to Coldbay or Adak averages $950pp airfare so don’t be shocked.
8 hunters maximum

Aleutian Teal feeding in the Aleutian Islands